When people think they are telling you something about sex they are more usually telling you something about themselves.
"Clinton Lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is."
— Former First Lady Barbara Bush
Not true. I have forgotten a lot of oral sex. Not that it was bad or that I didn't enjoy it, just that between men blow-jobs aren't a big deal.
Blow-jobs are fast, and they are easy, and nowadays there is the added factor that the risk of infection is low. There is also the fact that, unlike anal penetration where one party is definitely the Top, swapping blow-jobs can side-step the issue of dominance altogether. Thus, they are the normal mode of sexual expression between men.
Being bisexual, I got a lot of blow-jobs and it was no big deal. For a year I lived in a courtyard building on Surf Street that was full of gay men and, if I came home alone at night, the chances were good that one of my neighbors would offer to suck me off. That happened at least once a week and I'll be damned if I can remember any distinguishing details for more than half-a-dozen of them. When I was in high school I spent a whole summer pretty much doing nothing but swapping blow-jobs with my buddy Carson and then later, when we both had other lovers, I could still call him up if I was in the mood for a quick suck. No big deal.
It has also been my experience that most sexually healthy women like sucking cock; they just don't want to be stuck doing only that. They really like it as foreplay, and sometimes they like the feeling of power that it gives them to be able to give a guy an orgasm, or they like the idea of being able to do something for their lover, just for him, and what they don't want is for that to replace actual love-making.
Of course there are men who obsess about oral sex. Some because they never get any, some because the passive nature of simply receiving pleasure appeals to them, some because they think it makes them more dominant, and most despicably of all, there are men who feel sucking cock is degrading and they enjoy debasing women.
Naturally, having had my fill of it in my youth, I never obsessed about oral sex. In fact, because I had so much good oral from men, I usually find oral sex from women to be second-rate. (The simple fact is, they don't have cocks, they never really know what they are doing.) Ironically, the fact that I wasn't really interested in oral made women all the more eager to do that with me. They loved the idea that they could just suck me whenever they wanted, and that I would never pressure them into doing that, nor that this would ever dampen my desire or become a substitute for actual sex.
So what Barbara Bush was really telling us is that she considers oral sex so unusual a thing as to be always memorable.
Draw your own conclusions about how much oral she's ever done.
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